Mid Valley Behavioral Health Consortium

Energized, Engaged, and Expanding!

On September 21, 2023, Willamette Workforce Partnership’s (WWP’s) Mid-Valley Behavioral Health Consortium (MVBHC) gathered for its fall kick-off at Chemeketa Community College’s Eola Viticulture Center.

In the seven months since the launch of the consortium, the group has coalesced and taken positive action on objectives identified at the first meeting. Since February of this year, the consortium has grown to ninety-nine members who are working together to tackle the behavioral health care crisis in our region.

The fall kick-off was planned by consortium co-chairs and began with a keynote address presented by Western Oregon University’s Provost, Dr. Jose Coll, who spoke on Developing & Retaining a Behavioral Health Workforce in Oregon: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Sustainability.His remarks were a call to action for the MVBHC to grow its own model and collaboratively create more pathways to careers in behavioral health.

Dr. Coll’s keynote address was followed by an activity that asked members to look back at what has happened since the consortium’s inception, and to look forward to the future of behavioral health. This activity was facilitated by Dr. Judy Silva, Associate Provost for Academic Excellence, and Jessica Murfin, Partnership Specialist, both of Western Oregon University.


Representatives from WWP including Kim Parker-Llerenas, Ami Maceria and Dean Craig spoke about Supporting Workforce Sustainability in Oregon, and focused on WWP Prosperity 10K Awards and the MVBHC Digital Marketing Campaign. Anthony Veliz, MVBHC Retention & Recruitment Co-Chair, announced consortium updates.

Jeanine Stice, WWP’s Health Care Sector Contractor, who oversees the consortium is especially excited to see it becoming a self-governing, sustainable model anchored in our region. According to Jeanine, “I love seeing a group of professionals who traditionally operated in siloes, come together, get to know and trust one another, and learn about the bright spots that are happening in practice settings all over the region, and then work together to grow those bright spots. The program presentations have been inspiring.”

A networking and social hour was held at the end of the fall kick-off where members and guests rubbed elbows, reflected on the consortium’s successes, and planned for the future!

Do you know a behavioral health provider interested in learning more? Contact Jeanine Stice at [email protected] or 503-428-1882.

Interested in becoming a member of WWP’s Board of Directors? We are looking for members who represent private sector interests in our community. Please click this paragraph and complete the form.” WWP will get back to you with more details!