30-Day Comment Open

Willamette Workforce Partnership (WWP) has modified policy language to reflect recent updates to Youth Services Eligibility. You may find WWP’s revised Youth Services Eligibility policy here.

If you would like to submit public comment for this policy, you may do so by sending your comment to [email protected] by March 7th, 2025 at 5 pm.

Willamette Workforce Partnership is Requesting Proposals

Willamette Workforce Partnership (WWP), the workforce development board serving Linn, Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties, has released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Youth and One-Stop Operator services. Both RFPs are seeking proposals from qualified and experienced organizations for the coordination and delivery of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services in the Willamette Workforce region.

The successful bidder of the Youth RFP will have the capacity, experience, and community networks necessary to operate comprehensive year-round services for youth between the ages of 14 and 24 and be required to offer the WIOA 14 elements and one (1) local element to eligible WIOA youth for one or more counties within the WWP region. Approximately $1,243,000 will be available annually to perform these services, which begin on July 1, 2025, with potential renewal annually until June 30, 2029.

Click here to view and download the full Youth Services RFP Packet.

The successful bidder of the One-Stop Operator RFP will focus on streamlining service delivery, reducing barriers, fostering collaboration among partners, and creating meaningful engagement opportunities for job seekers, employers, and community stakeholders. The One-Stop Operator contract will be on an annual basis with the award amount totaling $75,000 per year, with annual renewal potential until June 30, 2029. Work will begin July 1, 2025.

Click here to view and download the full One-Stop Operator RFP Packet.

Organizational Wellness Workshop

The Organizational Wellness Team Presents a 5-Part Series

Beginning in January 2025

Oregon’s Workforce feels stressed…many Oregonians continue to explore career transitions and report growing priorities of engaged leadership, employers, and programs which support their “why” of their career. In partnership with Willamette Workforce Partnership, the Mid-Valley Behavioral Health
Consortium believes one simple fact: We can make a difference! By enhancing attention to employee well-being, Oregon’s Workforce emerges feeling supported, valued, and, ultimately, happier at work!

Marion County Businesses, the Youth Employment Grant is now open!

Willamette Workforce Partnership, in collaboration with Marion County, is investing in local businesses who employ youth. Businesses located in Marion County may receive wage reimbursements for $5 per hour for first-time hired youth workers between the ages of 14 and 17. Click on the images to find more information. Use the QR code in the images below or the button below to apply!

Youth Looking for Employment Opportunities

If you’re 14-17 years of age, living in Marion County, and looking for a job, we might be able to connect you with local employers!

Yamhill Community Care Partners with Willamette Workforce Partnership to Support Future Behavioral Health Practitioners

Yamhill Community Care (YCCO) is pleased to announce the partnership with Willamette Workforce Partnership (WWP) to launch the “Workforce Supports for Yamhill County Future Clinician Behavioral Health Practitioners” Training Program to boost the behavioral health (BH) workforce within Yamhill County.

The second round of Oregon’s Prosperity 10,000 Requests for Quotes and Qualifications saw over twenty applicants. Willamette Workforce Partnership has provided funds for four local organizations to offer comprehensive cohort training in targeted sectors such as healthcare and transportation. The organizations and their training programs are:

Oregon Youth Employment Program (OYEP) grants have been awarded and it will help the Youth Career Achievement Network provide youth in our region with essential employability skills, individualized mentoring, and paid work experiences with local employers. Five winning bids for the OYEP Request for Application and the areas they will serve are:


Are you a business in the following industries: manufacturing, healthcare, construction, hospitality, and/ or transportation, distribution, and warehousing? Would you like to be a Youth work experience host site for the Youth Career Achievement Network (Y-CAN) program?

Your business would provide Youth participants mentorship and support throughout the Y-CAN program work experience. By the end of the Y-CAN program, Youth participants will gain valuable on the job experiences, be more familiar with local businesses and organizations, have an updated resume or portfolio, and learn new technical and essential employability skills. Learn more by clicking the link below.

Faces of Healthcare Highlights

Listen to our regional healthcare workforce describe how local programs have changed their lives!

Board of Directors Members

Interested in serving on the Willamette Workforce Partnership Board of Directors? Please complete an Interest Form!


We create partnerships and offer services for job seekers, businesses, and students to make that possible.

Future Ready Oregon at Work

In the Spring of 2022 Willamette Workforce Partnership (WWP) received a unique request for funding. Thanks to Future Ready Oregon, Prosperity 10,000 funding, WWP entered into an agreement to pay for flying lessons for a group of individuals who were ‘new neighbors’ in the Salem area. This group had been pilots in Afghanistan during the war and had flown alongside US troops. They knew how to fly, and they knew how to speak English. However, they did not have the required licensure to fly in the US. WWP was honored to fund this critical training so they could once again be pilots in their new country. This video highlights the individuals, and their story.

The Willamette Workforce Partnership team is deeply saddened by the plane crash in Polk County which claimed the lives of three Afghan Refugees who were participating in a pilot training program we supported. This program was designed to fund training for participants while supporting their aspirations and integration into their new community.

The tragic loss of these individuals, who had shown remarkable resilience and dedication, weighs heavily on our hearts. We extend our sincerest condolences to their friends, families, and the broader community affected by this devastating event.

We stand in solidarity with those mourning and encourage those wishing to offer support or contribute to funeral expenses to reach out to Salem For Refugees, the coordinating organization for this effort.

Willamette Workforce Partnership is dedicated to fostering a community that values diversity, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams, particularly in times of heartbreak.

Future Ready Oregon

In 2022, WWP invested $1.3 million in workforce investment funds for high-demand skills training benefiting underserved communities. Watch the video to see the results.

Job Seekers

Find Work & Training


Find Worker & Resources


Career Centers

Key Strategies

Invest in programs and partnerships that lead to a skilled workforce.

Invest in workforce service delivery that maintains and enhances access to services for those in need in the Mid-Valley

Enhance the workforce system’s provision of skills training by connection to educational and training opportunities

Expand the impact of training dollars through innovative partnerships

Offer workforce services that lead to a successful employer community.

Engage with employers to identify needed skills

Help employers develop strategies to recruit and retain a diverse workforce

Develop solutions to employers’ current workforce challenges including essential skills deficiencies, certification and training, advancement and retention

Provide opportunities for employer-to-employer problem-solving discussions

Serve workforce needs that go beyond employment and training services and lead to thriving communities.

Participate as a workforce advocate in community discussions that address housing, child care, transportation and internet access

Promote opportunities for individuals to remove barriers in preparation for training and employment

Provide workforce solutions for underserved, historically marginalized adult and youth populations

Learn more about the impact of our work

Tiger Manufacturing in Newberg, Oregon

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