Rethinking Barriers Continues at Love, INC

Rethinking Barriers to Employment, WWP’s program designed to help participants overcome barriers to employment, just completed a full workshop series with participants from Love, INC. in Newberg. Since 2004, Love, INC. has worked with local churches to serve thousands of families and individuals in need in the Newberg area. Athlynn Reeves, Regional Ministry Coordinator, worked diligently to recruit six participants who were eager to learn and grow, and more importantly, find meaningful work. Love, INC. contracted with WWP to offer this training.

Robin Windsor, previously employed by WWP and more recently by South Coast Business Employment Corporation (SCBEC), is a seasoned Rethinking program facilitator who skillfully delivered Rethinking Barriers to the Love, INC. group. Although retired from workforce development, the offer to facilitate Rethinking Barriers, a program she wholeheartedly believes in, enticed her to facilitate the workshop.

According to Robin, “I didn’t know what to expect on the first day of class or even who would be there; but, I was not disappointed. From the first day, the group dynamics were positive and each participant fully participated, completed all homework and skill and thinking logs.” Robin attributed the group cohesiveness to participants having similar backgrounds including financial, housing, anger, anxiety and PTSD challenges. She witnessed their “lightbulbs” turn on throughout the program as they examined their skills and thinking, and realized what they might need to change to find employment.

Rethinking Barriers Class: Jennifer Green, Larry Marshall, Sonia French, Dylan Caldwell-Tuttle, Jeremy Macy, Annette Stiffler

One participant stated she “enjoyed the program because it encouraged her to be accountable and show up. I took pride in doing these things – things that are important when job searching. I learned a lot about myself.” Another participant said “I have used these techniques in the past but this workshop was enlightening and helped me realize these techniques are timeless and help in many kinds of situations. Working on our inner selves, we will get farther as a community, country and planet.” Still another participant shared they “…were directly and significantly assisted with identifying, noticing, accepting, understanding, and further challenging things such as self-worth, confidence, thoughts, perspectives, behaviors and conclusions that no longer work for me!”

For Robin, each meeting with this group “…was like wrapping up in a warm cozy blanket. Like getting a gift and not knowing what it would be but knowing I’d like it.” She went on to say she learned so much from the participants and is confident they will be successful in their job searching.

Congratulations to the entire class and Robin on successfully completing Rethinking Barriers!