If you are a Yamhill County business that seeks to recruit and retain a dedicated workforce, and you have a vision about how to promote your business to future employees, the Business Direct Grant may be for you!

Willamette Workforce Partnership is accepting applications for the Yamhill County Business Direct Impact Grant. Yamhill County will disburse a total of $180,00 in direct impact grant funding for this purpose. To be eligible for this grant, applicant businesses must:

  • Have its primary operations in Yamhill County, Oregon for at least 12 months;
  • Have an active business registration with Oregon Secretary of State;
  • Be current on all payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, and worker’s compensation;
  • Be current on all federal, state, and local taxes;
  • Not have changes in ownership within the past 12 months;
  • Not have complaints and/or adverse decisions regarding wage and hour, health and safety, or discrimination.
If you are interested in applying for this grant, please complete the application by clicking on the button below.

This application closes on February 1, 2023