From September through December of 2021, Willamette Workforce Partnership administered a COVID Grant program for Marion County to provide relief to businesses operating in the county. WWP distributed grants to 273 businesses, totaling $2.2 million.

This program is the most recent of many such business grant programs WWP has been administering and assisting with throughout the pandemic. Since April 2020, WWP has distributed $5.7 million in payments to 932 businesses in our four-county region. WWP also processed business grant applications to assist Polk County as they distributed over $2 million in funds to support their business community.
Through all of these programs, our workforce region’s businesses received almost $8 million in assistance to help them navigate these difficult times.

Willamette Workforce Partnership’s Request for Proposals

Willamette Workforce Partnership (WWP), the workforce development board serving Linn, Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties, has released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Youth and One-Stop Operator services. Both RFPs are seeking proposals from qualified and experienced organizations for the coordination and delivery of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services in the Willamette Workforce region.

The successful bidder of the Youth RFP will be required to offer the WIOA 14 elements and 1 local element to eligible WIOA youth for one or more counties within the Willamette Workforce region. The Youth Contract will be on an annual basis with the award amount totaling $1,250,000 per year.
The successful bidder of the One-Stop Operator RFP will be required to coordinate the virtual service delivery of core and required partners working within the comprehensive and affiliate WorkSource Willamette centers. The One-Stop Operator contract will be on an annual basis with the award amount totaling $200,000 per year.

RFP SCHEDULE (local Pacific Standard time)
RFP Release Date
January 10, 2022
Submittal of Written Questions Deadline (11:00 am)
February 11, 2022
Responses to Written Questions (posted on WWP’s website)
February 18, 2022
Proposal Deadline (12:00 pm)
March 1, 2022
Evaluation and Proposer Interviews, if applicable
March 28, 2022
Award Notice
May 20, 2022
Performance Start date
July 1, 2022

The RFP packages in their entirety are available online on WWP’s website.

For quick access to our website, click the QR code or scan the code using your smartphone.

If you need assistance accessing the RFP or need an alternative format of the RFP, please contact [email protected] or call 503-581-1002.

Willamette Workforce Partnership is an equal opportunity program/employer. Language assistance is available to individuals with limited English proficiency free of cost. Auxiliary aids or services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Oregon Relay 1-800-735-2900.